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Books published by publisher Instant Help

  • The Stress Reduction Workbook for Teens: Mindfulness Skills to Help You Deal with Stress

    Gina M. Biegel MA LMFT

    Paperback (Instant Help, Aug. 1, 2017)
    Between school, friends, and planning for the future, it’s easy to feel stressed out. Written by a psychotherapist specializing in mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and featuring brand new exercises, The Stress Reduction Workbook for Teens, Second Edition shows how mindfulness skills can help you relax, prioritize, and keep calm during stressful times.Your teenage years are some of the most stressful of your life. With pressure about grades at school, parents who just don’t seem to get it, dating, and friends who drive you crazy, it’s no wonder. But here's the good news! If you learn a few strategies for getting stress under control now, you’ll have the skills you need to deal with problems and difficult feelings that life sends your way—in high school and beyond.The Stress Reduction Workbook for Teens is a collection of simple workbook activities that will teach you to reduce your worries using a technique called mindfulness. Mindfulness is a way to be aware of your thoughts and feelings in the present moment. You can use mindfulness when you start to feel as though things are spinning out of control, so you can stop worrying about what might happen and focus instead on what’s happening now.If you’re like many people, you find it easy to look at your negative qualities or feel there is no way to fix your problems or stress. This book is about building on the resources, skills, and positive qualities that you might not even realize you have. It is a way to move from “I'm powerless” thinking to “I can do it!” thinking.Hundreds of teens in mindfulness-based stress reduction classes have used activities like the ones in this book, and here is what some of them have said:“I have learned to let things go and move on from bad experiences.”“I felt that the coping skills learned are easy enough and effective enough to be used when I need. I now feel at the very least that I have the ability to reduce my stress.”“I learned new and different ways to stay relaxed and how to deal with stress and now I don’t worry much.”If they can do it, so can you! By practicing the skills outlined in this workbook, you'll be well on your way to developing lasting resilience and a new kind of strength—one that comes from within. Why not get started today?This book has been selected as an Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Self-Help Book Recommendation—an honor bestowed on outstanding self-help books that are consistent with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) principles and that incorporate scientifically tested strategies for overcoming mental health difficulties. Used alone or in conjunction with therapy, our books offer powerful tools readers can use to jump-start changes in their lives.
  • The Resilience Workbook for Teens: Activities to Help You Gain Confidence, Manage Stress, and Cultivate a Growth Mindset

    Cheryl M. Bradshaw MA

    Paperback (Instant Help, May 1, 2019)
    It’s time to realize your full potential! In The Resilience Workbook for Teens, you’ll learn to bounce back from setbacks, develop grit and a growth mindset, and overcome any obstacle that comes your way. Social media, online ads, and glossy magazines make it look easy to be a teen—everyone seems to be laughing, sun-kissed, beautiful, surrounded by friends, and wearing the perfect clothes. But if you’re like most teens and young adults, reality doesn’t look like a magazine ad, lifestyle blog, or Instagram feed. You may struggle with not fitting in or being bullied. You may feel overwhelmed by stress, experience a significant setback, or lose a parent or loved one. That’s why it’s so important to build resilience—the cornerstone of mental health and wellness. This workbook will show you how.In The Resilience Workbook for Teens, author, psychotherapist, and youth mentor Cheryl M. Bradshaw will show you that the key to building resilience lies in your relationship with yourself. Through activities and interactive exercises, you’ll learn to balance your emotions, rewrite the negative stories you tell yourself, embrace who you are, and believe in your own power to bounce back from life’s biggest challenges.The teen years are a critical time to learn the skills of resilience and to develop positive strategies for coping with stress and mental health challenges. Let this fun and friendly workbook guide you as you build your own resilience. It’s a gift you’ll take with you, beyond high school and well into adulthood.
  • Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life for Teens: A Guide to Living an Extraordinary Life

    Joseph Ciarrochi, Louise Hayes, Ann Bailey, Steven Hayes

    Paperback (Instant Help, July 1, 2012)
    If you could only get past feelings of embarrassment, fear, self-criticism, and self-doubt, how would your life be different? You might take more chances and make more mistakes, but you’d also be able to live more freely and confidently than ever before. Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life for Teens is a workbook that provides you with essential skills for coping with the difficult and sometimes overwhelming emotions that stress you out and cause you pain. The emotions aren’t going anywhere, but you can find out how to deal with them. Once you do, you will become a mindful warrior―a strong person who handles tough emotions with grace and dignity―and gain many more friends and accomplishments along the way. Based in proven-effective acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), this book will arm you with powerful skills to help you use the power of mindfulness in everyday situations, stop finding faults in yourself and start solving your problems, how to be kinder to yourself so you feel confident and have a greater sense of self-worth, and how to identify the values that will help you create the life of your dreams.
  • The Sexual Trauma Workbook for Teen Girls: A Guide to Recovery from Sexual Assault and Abuse

    Raychelle Cassada Lohmann PhD LPC, Sheela Raja PhD

    Paperback (Instant Help, June 1, 2016)
    The Sexual Trauma Workbook for Teen Girls offers healing, real-life stories from survivors and powerful, evidence-based tools to help you reclaim your life after sexual abuse or trauma. If you’ve been sexually abused or experienced sexual trauma, you may feel confused, angry, ashamed, and unable to move forward emotionally. You're not alone. Like many teens who’ve been abused, you may be tempted to keep the secret locked deep inside and feel uncomfortable discussing your struggles with others. If so, this book can help you find your voice.This empowering workbook will help you move past your trauma and serve as a comforting reminder that you are strong and resilient. Healing is possible—and with healing, comes victory. In this book, you’ll find true stories from other teen survivors, and in reading the stories you’ll find reassurance in knowing you aren’t alone in your experiences. You’ll also find practical and proven-effective strategies and exercises to help promote emotional healing and reclaim your sense of self.Sexual abuse or trauma may be a part of your past, but it doesn’t need to define who you are now. This book will help you as you start on the path toward healing so you can move forward with confidence.
  • Beyond the Blues: A Workbook to Help Teens Overcome Depression

    Lisa M. Schab LCSW

    Paperback (Instant Help, May 1, 2008)
    Many people experience depression at one time or another in their lives, but during the adolescent years, the vast number of physical, emotional, and mental changes that occur make teens even more susceptible to feelings of confusion or sadness. However your depression originates, you must to learn to handle it so that you can manage the stresses of daily life. The activities in Beyond the Blues can help you cope with sad and difficult feelings, find new ways to make friends, and deal with conflicts. Little by little and on your own schedule, you can make small changes in your life that will lead you to a brighter, more enjoyable future. Since everyone is different and heals in slightly different ways, this book presents a wide variety of exercises. Know that as you work through this book, you are doing something good for yourself. You are learning to cope with your feelings and take care of yourself in a healthy way. You can learn to manage depression just like you learned to tie your shoes or read and write. Just give it a chance and be patient with yourself. You deserve to feel good, and you will if you keep working at it! If you're feeling depressed, don't be afraid to reach out for help.This workbook offers things you can do, both on your own and with a counselor, to start feeling more like yourself again.
  • The Gender Identity Workbook for Kids: A Guide to Exploring Who You Are

    Kelly Storck LCSW, Noah Grigni, Diane Ehrensaft PhD

    Paperback (Instant Help, April 1, 2018)
    "A sensitive and empowering exploration of identity and expression that both educates and celebrates." —School Library JournalThe Gender Identity Workbook for Kids offers fun, age-appropriate activities to help your child explore their identity and discover unique ways to navigate gender expression at home, in school, and with friends. Transgender and gender-nonconforming (TGNC) children need validation and support on their journey toward self-discovery. Unfortunately, due to stigma and misinformation, these kids can be especially vulnerable to bullying, discrimination, and even mental health issues such as anxiety or depression. The good news is that there are steps you can take to empower your child as they explore, understand, and affirm their gender identity. This important workbook will guide you both.In this guide, a licensed clinical social worker who specializes in gender-nonconforming youth offers real tools to help your child thrive in all aspects of life. You and your child will discover a more expansive way of understanding gender; gain insight into gender diverse thoughts, feelings, and experiences; and find engaging activities with fun titles such as, “Apple, Oranges, and Fruit Bowls” and “Pronoun Town” to help your child to explore their own unique identity in a way that is age-appropriate and validating.No child experiences gender in a vacuum, and children don’t just transition—families do. Let this workbook guide you and your child on this important journey in their lives.
  • Eating Mindfully for Teens: A Workbook to Help You Make Healthy Choices, End Emotional Eating, and Feel Great

    Susan Albers PsyD

    Paperback (Instant Help, April 1, 2018)
    Turn mindless eating habits into mindful eating habits! In this breakthrough workbook, Susan Albers—author of Eating Mindfully and the New York Times bestseller, Eat Q—offers powerful mindfulness-based activities and skills to help you stop overeating.Do you zone out while eating? You’re not alone! It’s easy to polish off a bag of chips or a giant bowl of popcorn while marathon-streaming your favorite TV show. And while indulging here and there certainly won’t hurt you, mindless eating can become a harmful habit in the long run—leading to obesity, health problems, and negative body image. So, how can you start making healthier food choices?Using the same highly effective approach as the breakthrough book Eating Mindfully, The Eating Mindfully Workbook for Teens will show you how to deal with the day-to-day challenges of making healthy decisions about food. Instead of resorting to fad diets, you’ll learn how to avoid overeating in the first place, be more aware of your body, and really enjoy meals—instead of just popping food in your mouth without thinking.It’s not easy to make smart food choices in our fast-paced, fast food culture. This workbook can help guide you, one bite at a time.Teens need mental health resources more than ever. With over 1.2 million copies sold worldwide, Instant Help Books for teens are engaging, proven-effective, and recommended by therapists.
  • The Gaming Overload Workbook: A Teen's Guide to Balancing Screen Time, Video Games, and Real Life

    Randy Kulman PhD

    Paperback (Instant Help, Aug. 1, 2020)
    Essential skills and strategies for managing your gameplay and creating a well-balanced life. Do you spend hours on end playing video games? Do marathon gaming sessions cause you to lose much-needed sleep? Have your grades suffered as a result of neglecting schoolwork in favor of more game time? Has your physical health declined due to extended periods of inactivity? Have you tried unsuccessfully to limit the time you spend playing? Gaming can be a fun, challenging, and rewarding activity, but when it begins to interfere with other essential aspects of life, it might be time to set some limits.The Gaming Overload Workbook will help you explore your use of video games in a thoughtful, nonjudgmental way. This isn’t a workbook for giving up on gaming. This is a guide to help you set your own limits on screen time, and apply your interest and enthusiasm for gaming to a wider variety of activities, like connecting with friends and family, excelling in school or sports, and just spending more time outdoors.If you’re ready for some healthy balance between gaming, school, family, physical activity, and social relationships, this book will provide the key to winning at the game of life!
  • Mindfulness for Kids with ADHD: Skills to Help Children Focus, Succeed in School, and Make Friends

    Debra Burdick LCSW, Edward M. Hallowell MD

    Paperback (Instant Help, Oct. 1, 2018)
    Help your child with ADHD thrive. Mindfulness for Kids with ADHD offers fun and accessible mindfulness exercises designed to help kids with ADHD successfully navigate all the areas of life—from making friends and doing well in school to establishing healthy habits and limiting screen time.As a parent, you know that attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can make the normal developmental tasks of childhood more difficult to accomplish in numerous ways. These tasks include: making friends, doing well in school, organizing belongings and schoolwork, identifying and managing feelings, developing a positive self image, getting along with family members, following rules, doing chores, establishing a healthy sleep pattern, eating a healthy diet, and making good choices about exercise and use of screen time.The activities in this easy-to-use workbook will help your child develop self-awareness and self-reflection—two skills that kids with ADHD typically need extra help with. The book also illustrates and teaches the process of setting intention and using specific mindfulness skills to identify and improve feelings, self-image, behavior, stress level, concentration, hyperactivity, and relationships. If you’re a parent of a child with ADHD, you may feel conflicted about the best treatment options available. Whether used alone or in conjunction with therapy, this powerful workbook provides real skills your child can use every day to improve their quality of life and help them enjoy being a kid!
  • Cool, Calm, and Confident: A Workbook to Help Kids Learn Assertiveness Skills

    Lisa M. Schab LCSW

    Paperback (Instant Help, April 2, 2009)
    Self-assured, assertive kids are not only less likely to be picked on by their peers, they're also less likely to bully others. But it's not always easy for children to find a healthy middle ground between passivity and aggression.If your child is a frequent target for bullies, or has begun to tease and take advantage of other kids, the easy and effective activities in Cool, Calm, and Confident can help. These simple exercises help children stand up for themselves without coming across as aggressive, learn to be both kind and assertive, and develop self-confidence and a positive self-image. Using this workbook is an easy and effective way to instill self-esteem in both passive and aggressive children-a strength that will prove invaluable in childhood, in their teenage years, and throughout their lives.Help children to: Learn the difference between passive, aggressive, and assertive behavior; behave in ways that discourage teasing; understand their rights and stand up for themselves; stay calm and learn skills for managing anger; and make real and lasting friendships.
  • Mindfulness for Teen Anxiety: A Workbook for Overcoming Anxiety at Home, at School, and Everywhere Else

    Christopher Willard PsyD

    Paperback (Instant Help, Aug. 1, 2014)
    Being a teen is hard enough without anxiety getting in the way. You are changing more than ever before, not just physically, but mentally. And if you suffer from panic attacks, chronic worry, and feelings of isolation, it can be very difficult to meet your goals and succeed. The good news is that there are real, powerful ways that you can take control of your anxiety―and your life! In Mindfulness for Teen Anxiety, psychologist and learning specialist Christopher Willard offers teens like you proven-effective, mindfulness-based practices to help you cope with your anxiety, identify common triggers (such as dating or school performance), learn valuable time-management skills, and feel more calm at home, at school, and with friends. You’ll learn tips for dealing with specific situations that cause anxiety, such as public speaking, social anxiety, test anxiety, and more. You’ll also learn special breathing exercises to help calm you in moments of panic, and guided visualization exercises to help you stay cool and collected, even in the tensest situations. If you are ready to move past your anxiety, panic, and worry and start living the life you were meant to live, this book will be your guide―every step of the way.
  • The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook for Teens: CBT Skills to Help You Deal with Worry and Anxiety

    Michael A. Tompkins PhD ABPP, Jonathan R. Barkin PsyD, Matthew McKay PhD

    Paperback (Instant Help, March 1, 2018)
    Today’s teens are totally stressed. Based on the self-help classic, The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook, this evidence-based guide will help you develop a game plan for reducing stress so you can focus on reaching your goals.Are you feeling stressed out? You aren’t alone. Between school, tests, friendships, dating, the latest drama on social media, college applications, and a bunch of confusing physical changes, it’s no wonder that stress is a major mental health issue for many of today’s teens. The good news is that there are simple ways you can reduce your stress and reach your goals. This workbook will show you how.With The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook for Teens, you’ll learn to understand the underlying causes of your stress. You’ll discover practical mindfulness and breathing techniques to help you calm your mind and body in moments of worry and anxiety. You’ll also find tips for moving past “what ifs” and “shoulds,” strategies for managing negative thoughts and emotions, and tools to help you develop your own personalized plan for dealing with stress.If you’re ready to move past stress and worry and start focusing on your bright future, this workbook has everything you need to get started today.Teens need mental health resources more than ever. With over 1.2 million copies sold worldwide, Instant Help Books for teens are engaging, proven-effective, and recommended by therapists.